Answer the following questions completely about maintenance and safety of your vehicle.
1. Which mechanical part or feature listed in Module 9 do you think is most important?
The air conditioning unit.
2. Why is that particular part or feature so important?
It makes the driver comfortable so he/she doesn’t get his/her attention drawn away
3. How do you benefit from that part or feature?
It will make the vehicle cab a comfortable temperature to maintain maximum satisfaction while riding/driving.
Module 10: Sharing the Road with Others
Stops and Starts: Reflect on Module 10 and the entire course. Look back at your journal entries. Explain the following completely.
Being the Driver:
Stops: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will not do when driving.
1. I won’t hug the yellow line.
2. I won’t go too slowly on the road.
3. I will yield to others that may not know my right of way.
Explain why you will not do these things when driving.
1. Some drivers might get angry at things I do or might even collide with me.
Starts: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will do when driving.
1. I should start paying attention to the road rather than talking.
2. I should keep a quick eye on my speed and alerts.
3. I should make sure that I’m comfortable with the current a/c setting before beginning to drive.
Explain why you will do these particular things when driving.
1. So I can have my full attention on the road and what I’m doing.
Riding as a Passenger:
Explain one thing you will stop doing as a passenger.
1. I won’t be a “back-seat-driver” and disturb the driver’s attention.
Explain one thing you will start doing as a passenger.
1. I will pay attention to the things I should and shouldn’t do when the other person is driving.