Answer the following questions completely about maintenance and safety of your vehicle.
1. Which mechanical part or feature listed in Module 9 do you think is most important?
The most important part in the car is the seat beat.
2. Why is that particular part or feature so important? it safe my life or a sudden stop
3. How do you benefit from that part or feature? so that is can stop you from flying out the window when an accident happens
Module 10: Sharing the Road with Others
Stops and Starts: Reflect on Module 10 and the entire course. Look back at your journal entries. Explain the following completely.
Being the Driver:
Stops: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will not do when driving.
1. I will not do drug or drink and get behind the wheel
2. I will not text and drive
3. I will not have a bad behavior while driving
Explain why you will not do these things when driving.
1. I will not do these thing because it can take away my life if i do, if I get in an accident
Starts: Using the information learned in this course, explain three things you will do when driving.
1. I will look out for anyone crossing
Explain why you will do these particular things when driving.
Riding as a Passenger:
Explain one thing you will stop doing as a passenger.
Explain one thing you will start doing as a passenger.