Driving and Texting
Today’s society is leading people to become attached to their cell phones making their lives easier due to the amount of communication a cell phone allows. Cell phones make it convenient to leave a text message that can be attended to later. But Americans have abused the real meaning of texting. One of America’s biggest addictions needs to be put to an end. The law should prohibit ALL people from texting and/or talking on their cell phones when driving a vehicle. When it comes to texting and driving, the texting can wait. If people would be more cautious when driving and put down the phones, not only would that reduce half of the accidents on the roads, but also ensure safer roads. When the average teenager begins driving, they also usually receive a cell phone to keep contact with adults. The problem with this is that teenagers, as well as adults, start using their cars and cell phones at the same time.
Texting is an addiction for millions of Americans. There are an estimated 270 million people with cell phones and 254 million registered drivers in the United States (“Ban Cell Phoning” 8). Because of this prevalence, questions are arising on how dangerous it is to operate a car with a cell phone at the same time. As soon as a cell phone vibrates, people rush to answer to the incoming text or call fearing if they wait they may miss out on something. But doing either while driving is obviously very dangerous. This divides one’s attention between two activities. It’s almost impossible to do with at being a risk of causing an accident.
People are so addicted to phones that it’s rare to meet a person who doesn’t have a one. One of the biggest reasons while cell phone use is so prevalent on the road is that everyone seems to think they are perfect drivers.