But after reading this article, I can see and agree with the author as to why it would be much more dangerous than before having placed this ban. This is a simple cause and effect. Ban texting while driving, and people will not stop doing so, instead they change from: holding the phone in plain view above the steering wheel so that the road is in the peripheral vision, to: holding the phone in their lap so they can’t see the road at all while composing their text, all while shifting focus from the road to avoiding being caught. So, the ban actually increase distractions, and takes people’s eyes off the road. What was new to me is that while the law bans texting while driving, you can still look at your phone for received messages. This essay makes me think of the precautions I will take in the future when this ban begins in my state, the dangers that are trying to be prevented will…
Have you ever been in an accident where you or the other person is texting and driving. A cellphone is used to contact people from a far distance. Cell phones should not be allowed on the road. I think that because one you don't have your eyes on the road when you text and two you never know when a car comes around the corner and you're texting. If you have also read about texting and driving you know that it can lead to serious injuries.…
So many people are affected by the actions of those, when it comes to texting while driving, from kids, sisters and brothers to aunts, uncles and others who suffer in in result. Ttexting while driving impairs the driver’s abilities, because of this, many people has died from innocent adults to innocent children. People text while in school zones, and even use the internet while driving, to navigate to a specific location. Researchers has shown that there have been many studies and hands on experiences, that has assisted in understanding the danger of texting while driving .The ability of texting while a moving vehicle is in operations, should be cut because of the number of deaths and people who suffer from it.…
A cell phone can kill you. Drivers, including your parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles should not be allowed to text while driving. People should not be able to text and drive because your personal cellular device is very distracting; therefore, texting while driving is illegal. Although texting while driving is breaking the law, you are also putting other people’s lives in danger including your own. Now ask yourself one question, is texting and driving really worth putting everything at risk?…
Currently laws in 30 states and the district of Columbia make it illegal to text or send email while driving.Dot says the number of child deaths is down sharply from a few years ago(Distracted Driving#22). Teens who have authoritative parents were 27 percent less likely to talk or text on their cell phone.(Teen driving#56) I agree that states should have strict laws against texting and talking on the cell phone while driving because it keeps people safe. NC has a ban on cell phone use(online Distraction.gov) It means that NC has strict laws on people…
Should there be a ban on texting while driving? Supporters argue that banning texting while driving would make the roads safer for everyone. There are many distractions that could potentially get in the way while operating a moving vehicle, which increases the risk of crashing tremendously. According to Issues and Controversies texting while…
Driving is a privilege, and in many cases this privilege is abused. Some people don’t take driving seriously and this often results in terrible accidents. Other innocent people sadly become victims of this carelessness. The U.S banned several acts that result in accidents such as drinking under the influence. Driving while under the influence was banned because it affects the drivers’ concentration. Doesn’t texting while driving do the same thing? When a driver is texting his/her focus is not on the road and at any moment the driver may lose control of their vehicle. Texting while driving should be banned in every state because it’s a dangerous act; this ban will decrease the amount of accidents caused by this act, and it will provide safety for fellow drivers.…
There have been many stories on the news about half typed text messages found on cell phones at the scenes of car accidents. Many people are under the belief that texting behind the wheel has no affect on their driving, this thinking is faulty. A driver's eyes will stray from the road at some point while texting, and this is very unsafe. A person does have to look away from the road to read a text, and this has been the cause of countless accidents. There is absolutely no text worth someone's life. If a person feels they can't wait to text someone back then they need to pull over to do…
Over the years cellphones and driving have both seen many changes. Both of these things have had major changes most people look at all the changes as great, but if the two are put together the outcome is not so great. Studies show that car accidents involving cellphones are one of the leading causes of death of women under the age of thirty-five (Moore). More and more people are using their phones while driving; not knowing they are putting not only their own lives in danger but also the lives of other drivers. There are those few people who do not use their phones while behind the wheel, but they have probably witnessed someone else doing it. There have been many laws passed in different state making it illegal to use phones while behind the wheel. Texting while driving is a growing problem for drivers everywhere it is time for states and people to have regulations and laws, because there are not enough states with laws on texting while driving.…
Thesis: Texting while driving is a hazard to everyone who drives on the road, a ban on texting while driving will prevent this hazard and save peoples lives.…
As Amy Klobuchar says in her article, Law and Attitudes About Texting While Driving Need to change: “My bipartisan initiatives, which have been included in the last two transportation bills, encourage states to enact graduated licensing programs, helping new drivers acclimate to the rules of the road” (Klobuchar, 2016). Education for new drivers is very important, because they lack of experience, if they are not educated enough, they will have a higher chance to be involved into car accidents. Driving across a football field only needs a few second at the speed of 55 miles per hours, so many things could happen in this few seconds (Klobuchar, 2016). Education will change drivers’ attitude and behavior while driving because they know what will happen if they are distracted while…
caused by distracted drivers every year" (Merchant, 2012). Many people, teen drivers and older experienced drivers do not take the law of no texting while driving serious enough. Texting while driving should be avoided at all cost because it takes a driver's attention off of the road. It is dangerous to the public, and it can lead to life changing consequences.…
I somewhat agree with your stance on the subject. It is indeed dangerous to use a cell phone in order to text while driving. It does make sense for the government to pass a law and prohibit texting and driving. I can understand some of the points that you have made concerning the issue of how people's privacy will be invaded. I agree that there is no way to tell for sure that a person is actually using a cell phone while driving. A car is barely visible when it comes to looking from the outside towards the inside which can explain why the police officer used in your example had trouble catching people texting while driving. Using your phone as a GPS is understandable, however, I believe that inputting a destination while one is driving over…
Texting and driving is completely out of hand, and something needs to be done about it. Drivers leaving the phones alone, and paying attention to the road can avoid many accidents. Texting while driving needs to be banned, because, it takes a drivers attention off the road, and leaves them briefly out of control of their vehicle. It is dangerous to the public including pedestrians and other drivers and it can result in life changing consequences.…
Firstly, texting and driving must be banned because it is very hazardous not only to the person who is texting and driving, but for the other drivers and pedestrians. If a person is texting and driving, they are multitasking and paying more attention to their phone than the safety of the other drivers and pedestrians. This causes a great amount of car accidents every year. While driving, adults and teenagers cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and send a text or respond to one. When the driver feels or hears the vibration or ring, nothing can stop them from checking the notification on their phone. As soon as the driver’s eyes meet their cellular device, their focus on the road is drawn away making not only their lives in danger but the lives of other people on the road as well. In 2011, 9,750 lives were taken and 448,000 people got injured from car accidents from being distracted while driving. The lives of innocent people are being taken every day, due to a simple distraction. You could stop this by introducing increased fines, jail sentence and public shaming as a law for texting whilst driving.…