Increase in seatbelt use,56 percent of teen driving have been in at least one crash (teen driving#21) out of 5,665 teen 9th-11th grades teens with good parents and safe driving habits will stay alive than those who do not easy access to a vehicle were more than twice as likely to crash (Teen Driving#57) It means that if your parents do not care and let you drive the car you will most likely to crash. Reckless driving is the No 1 killer of 15-20 year olds.(teen driving#38) …show more content…
(Teen driving #66) Nearly 28 percent of all vehicle crashes can be tied to talking on the cell phone or texting.(teen driving #65) Distracting driving kills a lot Of people texting while driving have caused more than 16,000 road fatalities between 2002 and 2007(distracted driving#97) it means 16,000 road fatalities were caused by texting and driving. only 2 percent of people are able to safely multitask (distracted driving #67). you stay safe
Currently laws in 30 states and the district of Columbia make it illegal to text or send email while driving.Dot says the number of child deaths is down sharply from a few years ago(Distracted Driving#22). Teens who have authoritative parents were 27 percent less likely to talk or text on their cell phone.(Teen driving#56) I agree that states should have strict laws against texting and talking on the cell phone while driving because it keeps people safe. NC has a ban on cell phone use(online It means that NC has strict laws on people