Location of the Drombeg Stone Circle Across the western half of Ireland, a conservative estimate of sixty recumbent stone circles similar to the Drombeg Stone Circle can be found and suggest there was a movement of people inland from the east (Fahy 1959). The Drombeg Stone Circle is located about two …show more content…
Beneath this, near the center of the circle, two circular pits and three others were also discovered. One held a broken pot was found containing the remains of an adolescent boy wrapped in thick clothes. Along with this finding, about 80 smashed sherds, small, flint scrapers, four parts of a shale, and sweepings from a pyre were found. In 1909, Somerville believed a second stone circle was next to what is known today as the Drombeg Stone Circle but, after excavation by Fahy, it was found to be the foundation of the two circular huts, conjoined in the center (7). Fahy also uncovered the Fulachta Fiadh, adding to the discussion about the techniques of pyrolithic technology in Ireland during the Bronze