Professor anderson
English 1301/ 10:50
Drug Abuse
Drug abuse shades problems on millions of American families in the United States, commonly attracting teenagers to get involved. Seventy eight percent of all drug users start as teenagers, which often don't see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. Some of the most regularly used illegal drugs in the United States are Amphetamine, Cocaine, LSD, Heroin, and Marijuana. Drug abuse doesn’t only include illegal drugs, many prescriptions and over the counter medication are used to get high by taking inappropriate doses. The rates of drug abuse are gradually reaching kids of younger ages, and high schools are reporting more drug related problems. According to Wozencraft, the average age of first drug use in the USA has decreased from eighteen in 2001, to fourteen years old in 2013 (3). Although teens consistently underestimate the gravity of drug use, the reasons to start, reasons they get hooked, and the consequences of drug abuse are critically influential on the teen’s life.
Teenagers start to use drugs because of reasons such as false assumptions, peer pressure, and escape. Just about all teenagers meet someone that uses or have used drugs. They talk about their experiences with drugs leaving the negative effects concealed, and they exaggerate in describing the attracting feelings they get. The media also presents an image that encourages drug use, presenting it as a thrilling, and desired experience rather than a dangerous pleasure. According to Wozencraft Forty-two percent of teens agreed that movies and TV shows make drugs seem like an acceptable thing to do (4). Therefor many teenagers underestimate the gravity of drug use, which make them think that it is normal for them to try it out once or twice. Teenagers pressure each other onto using drugs in order to be accepted, especially in high schools where social life is very important for the