I. Introduction (Provide a full sentence); Include your thesis here, underlined.
II. The negative consequences of drug abuse affect not only individuals who abuse drugs, but also their families and friends, businesses, and government resources. A. How do drugs affect family and friends? 1. Children of individuals who abuse drugs are often abused or neglected.
2. Family members and friends are often torn apart by watching their siblings or children slowly kill themselves.
B. How do drugs affect the user?
1. Drug abuse slowly kills a person and does permanent damage to ones body.
2. Addiction takes over the body’s normal functions.
C. How do drugs affect society?
1. The economic impact of drug abuse on businesses whose employee’s abuse drugs can be significant and damaging.
2. The economic consequences of drug abuse severely burden
Federal, state, and local governments.
III. There are several strategies for winning the war on drugs. A. The National Drug Policy sets priorities and objectives for national Drug control.
1. One objective is to minimize drug use.
2. Another objective is to minimize drug manufacturing.
B. Reducing the drug problem in America requires a multi-faceted, balanced, and consistent program. 1. One challenge is drug prevention, education, and treatment for those in need.
2. Another challenge in to reduce the cultivation, production, and trafficking of illegal drugs.
IV. Many people believe that certain drugs, such as responsible marijuana, should be legal.
A. Arresting and jailing otherwise law-abiding citizens who smoke marijuana serves no societal purpose, according to some. 1. Should we be focusing on more serious crimes and illegal drugs? 2. Why should honest, hard working people be punished for using marijuana in the privacy of their own homes?
B. Some believe moderate