Drug trafficking takes a huge toll on Ireland’s society. There are murders between the drug gangs, high-profile drug dealers are causing fear in the communities, and there are thefts and crimes committed by people trying to support their addictions. The area’s drug smugglers are choosing to use to transport their supplies are becoming harder and harder to patrol, and putting strain on the government.
Stopping drug trafficking is an important topic to Ireland because it is a huge problem in the country. Ireland has become a transit point for hashish destined for the UK and other European countries. Hashish is transported to Ireland usually directly from Morocco on private yachts or fishing trawlers. Once the hashish has arrived in Ireland, it’s very easily transported to its European destinations. According to the American defense office in Dublin, cannabis that arrives in Ireland is very likely to be destined for North America.
Ireland has many laws pertaining to the use of drugs and drug trafficking. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act anyone in possession of cannabis or cannabis resin is guilty of an offence. Under the legislation, it is illegal to be in possession of a controlled drug with the intention of selling it. Anyone found guilty of this offence is liable to fines up to almost 4000 US dollars. The court can also impose a life sentence for this offence if it decides it is necessary. If a person is trying to sell drugs valued over 20,000 US dollars then the person convicted has to serve a minimum of 10 years in jail. Anyone who occupies or controls any vehicle or vessel and is found guilty of allowing it to be used for activities such as the manufacture, importation or supply of a controlled drug is liable on summary conviction to a class C fine or a prison sentence of no longer than 12 months. The Republic of Ireland has signed the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances treaty. There aren’t any significant organizations trying to raise money to stop the problem.
The government of the Republic of Ireland would like to see international laws made on drug trafficking and drug use. The government wants the ungoverned waters to be patrolled by at least four countries at a time. The government wants a website set up to educate children on the dangers of drug use and drug trafficking, and have it used in all public schools. All countries who sign the treaty should have to pay a certain amount of money a year to help fund the education and prevention of drug use/drug trafficking and to help pay for the patrols on the ungoverned seas.