I agree that the drug war should be fought because many people across the globe are using these illegal drugs can lead them to abuse, addiction, serious health problems, and even death. It is impossible to predict the effect that drugs can have on someone, especially if it’s the first time they try it and even if it’s a small amount or dose.
President Richard Nixon declared a "war on drugs" in 1971. The expectation then was that drug trafficking could be greatly reduced in a short time through federal policing and yet the war on drugs continues to this day, it's been over thirty years. It does not appear that a lot of progress has been made. Because there is no progress, the criminal justice system is filled with 1.55 million non-violent offenders, and their drug use is marked as a behaviour that is harmful to the society.
This is outrageous, this is the reason why the war cannot be won because innocent people are arrested for taking these drugs instead of the people who are making them and supplying them. New York Times Author, Dan Baldacci quoted " With less drugs, it allows the people and economy to grow in a positive direction. Less homelessness, dependency, crimes, and jail sentencing would be the direct result of tougher drug policies. If we are serious about a war on drugs, then we have to subject them to regulations and controls that minimise as far as possible their ability to do harm.” I think he is absolutely right because with prevention comes it makes goals easier to tackle.
People in favour of legalising drugs argue that the only way to win the war is to legalise these drugs to reduce crime rates I think this is horrendous, if we legalise drugs such as cocaine, heroine and etc. Their concept behind Legalization is an idea to lower crime rates, controlling the potency of powerful drugs, as a result to eliminate trades with other countries. Drug related crime rates would be a contributing factor in lowering of crime rates, and it’s