Substance abuse is a problem that is an epidemic all over the world. America is not the only country suffering from heroin addiction. The misuse and abuse of drugs occurs at all age levels, in almost all social settings and at workplace occurrence in all occupation and industries. It has significant negative impacts that affect every community though out the world. Drugs affect all of us in one way shape or form. The government is making every attempt to extinguish the narcotic culture but it appears to be a losing battle from the beginning. Heroine has become a world epidemic that we see on the news and read about in the morning paper. The usage of heroin has increased over the last three decades and shows little sign of decreasing. This addiction is creating issues for every city and town throughout North America as well as larger populated areas in Europe. The normal method of use of heroin is through an injection, which creates more issues beyond addition such as AIDS and other incurable deceases.
The Drug issues in American have forced the government to hold a zero tolerance policy when it involved drugs. These policies were created with the idea that drug use is all too common epidemic, that is increasing the grips on communities and this policies basis is to remove all of the illegal use of drugs all together. It’s never as easy as the foundation states no matter the way it is approached. The idea is to punish for the use, trafficking and creation of the illegal narcotics to make those whom consume, sell or create will be punished with jail or fines. The current investment is currently listed as 400 billion US dollars yearly. Even though the Government has made every attempt to limit this it has been shown that drugs use is on the rise, not just in North America, but other continents as well such as Europe and South America. Watch the television and listen
References: Alex Mold, Heroin (2009): The Treatment of Addiction in Twentieth-century, Northern Illinois University Press, Champaign New York, 236 - 265 Humberto Fernandez (1998), Heroin the true story, Hazelden publishers, Minneapolis Minnesota, 145 - 160 Lauer, R.H., & Lauer, J.C. (2011). Social problems and the quality of life (12th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.