In an article called from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration called, “Impaired Driving: Get the Facts” it states, “Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 51 minutes. The annual cost of alcohol-related crashes totals more than $59 billion” (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1). The fact that so many people die every day in the United States from alcohol related accidents is absolutely ridiculous. The stories are endless. In Steve Schmadeke’s article, “Man gets 15 years in DUI accident that killed mother, son” He talks about the terrible tragedy that ended two innocent lives. Schmadeke states, “A speeding, unlicensed driver who crashed into another car on the Northwest Side, killing a mother and her teenage son and injuring three other children, was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison” (Schmadeke 1). Because 37 year old, Richard Strum decided to drive while intoxicated, he took two innocent lives and injured three others. He not only took a mother, but he also took a daughter, sister, and wife. He not only took a son, but he also took a brother, cousin, best friend, student, and ultimately someone who didn’t even have a chance at real life before it was taken away. Drunken driving accidents are far too…
There are many dangers that plague us in today’s society. One of the most pressing issues is that of driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a problem for many reasons. Firstly, driving while intoxicated is illegal. It shows the rising problem of substance abuse, and most importantly, driving drunk is deadly. According to "" (2008-2013), "900,000 are arrested each year for DUI/DWI and a full 1/3 of those are repeat offenders”.…
Is a phone call really worth someone’s life? In today’s society, citizens are faced with many distractions while driving. When people drive, they encounter disturbances varying from electronics to food that cause them to take part of their attention away from the road. These interruptions that society faces affect countless amounts of people in ways some would not even image. Distractions cause crashes which then take not only people’s lives, but also hard earned money from those who were not even in the crash. Any distractions while driving, including drinking, texting, or driving with fatigue, are so dangerous that they could cost the driver their life and cause others to pay for the damage; thus changing the course of the driver’s own life and impacting society.…
Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families' .Drinking and driving is a problem in today's society, and it is a concern for anyone who drives. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol-related traffic crashes and 600,000 Americans are injured. Every…
Drinking and drinving is a very serious issue in the "driving world" Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens.In 2010, 1 to every seven teens ages 16 to 19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries. Per mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are three times more likely than drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash. All of this preventable! In 2010 about 2,700 teens in the United States aged 16–19 were killed and almost 282,000 were treated and released from emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor-vehicle crashes, Wow! In a recent year, people aged 16 to 24 were involved in 28 percent of all alcohol-related driving accidents, although they make up only 14% of the U.S. population.Young people are also over-represented in drinking driver injuries and deaths.Fortunately, driving accidents have been declining among young people, just as they have among the general population. And deaths associated with young drinking drivers (those 16 to 24 years of age) are down dramatically, having dropped 47% in a recent 15-year period.…
Today, I will first explain the effects alcohol can have on a person’s body, secondly, the financial consequences of drunk driving and finally, how driving under the influence has impacted our society.…
People that get in trouble for driving under the influence should have their licenses revoked forever. They put innocent people’s lives in danger for their own enjoyment. They also put their own lives in danger.…
Over the years, the world has seen a rapidly increasing number of teen involvement in drunk and reckless driving cases, specifically from the time periods 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. A 12 a.m. curfew on weekends and a 10 p.m. curfew on weekdays would help to protect teens and others on the roads late at night from getting into troublesome or dangerous situations. In my town of Leesburg, Virginia, a 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. curfew is placed on anyone under the age of 18 on all days of the week. The curfew is used to minimize the amount of inexperienced teens on the road during hours where driving can be difficult due to things like fatigue and/or the influence of illegal substances. Many teens don't see the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol late at night or driving late at night at…
As a service of Christ, I ask you to please avoid drunk driving and consuming alcohol and focus more on the works of our Lord. Deaths linked with drunk driving and underage drinking are reported each day. I am traveling during the summer, so I am writing this now for you to read. As a person who has dealt with experiencing friends and family in drunk driving accidents and lost love ones due to this cause, I ask you to stop driving under the influence and never attempt to drive or get into a vehicle after the consumption of an alcoholic beverage.…
Driving can be dangerous in the U.S. There are roughly two deaths every thirty-three minutes because of a drunk driving accident. Every 80 seconds, someone is hurt because of this entirely preventable crime (MADD, par. 2). Drunk driving is the United State’s number one highway safety concern (MADD, par. 2). Driving under the influence has an arrest rate of one for every 123 licensed drivers in America. (NHTS) These accidents are much too common. Drivers were intoxicated in 41 percent of all fatal pedestrian crashes according to reports done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.…
Not many have thought this, problem drunk driving is really getting big. “During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, more than 50,000 people lost their lives each year on the nation’s public roads and highways, and more than half of the drivers killed had been drinking”(Jasper 17). “Drunken driving accidents can happen…
Those injured and killed in drunk driving collisions are not accident victims. The crashes caused by impaired drivers involve two choices: to drink AND to drive. The injuries and deaths sustained each year by drunk driving can be prevented. Those who choose to drive while impaired, have been informed of the dangers, however, decide to ignore the harsh facts. They will eventually end up facing injury or death to themselves or, even worse, someone else. This is a reality some choose to ignore until they are forced to live or die along with the consequences.…
Drunk driving can be very deadly. Yet many people drive while under the influence everyday. Drivers who are drunk are blamed for the loss of as many as twentyfive thousand lives in highway crashes…
Drinking while driving is very well know around the United States. Drivers license should be lost and suspended for a year if caught drinking while driving. It is a dangerous habit to get into and people should not get away with it. Drinking while driving is dangerous to the public and has very serious effects who drinks. Why Should a problem like this be dealt with? This is very dangerous to those around and people could get seriously hurt from this. It’s not right that people get hurt and injured from car accident because people think it’s ok to drink and drive. Teens are some of the numbered people that are drinking and driving. An example would be a boy by the name of Ethan Couch was son of a multimillionaire was drinking, and driving and crashed into a disabled…
Having explained the wide-reaching impacts of drunk driving, I think we can all agree that this is an especially troubling issue for the DFW area. Looking at information published by the CDC, driver education is recommended as one of the foremost ways to make a meaningful reduction in drunk driving incidents. There is also data showing that introducing Uber services to an area causes a reduction in DUI arrests. The city of Seattle saw nearly a 10% drop in DUI arrests after Uber began servicing the area. Based on both the information from the CDC and the startling results from our own business operations, we propose implementing a series of driver education workshops in different locations around Dallas.…