(Houston, Texas) CarInsuranceComparison.com released a graphic in 2016 showing the ten worst states in terms of driving under the influence. Fortunately, Texas did not rank in the top ten, but individuals shouldn't get too excited. The state came in 14th in the nation in terms of the prevalence of drunk driving. The study took into account factors such as the number of DUI arrests, the quantity of DUI laws, the number of penalties associated with a conviction for DUI and the cost per fatality, along with others. Individuals who are charged with and convicted of driving under the influence face numerous penalties, even those for whom it is a first offense. For this reason, anyone arrested for this crime need to speak to …show more content…
Individuals often believe they can refuse a chemical test and avoid this, but there is no truth to that. The license will immediately be confiscated in this case and the penalties upon conviction are more severe. Individuals who are convicted of their first DUI offense, however, will find they may obtain an occupational license so they can continue working. To obtain this license, an interlock ignition device must be installed on every vehicle in the …show more content…
Furthermore, the license will be suspended for a period of time and the driver may pay a surcharge on their license for a period of three years, with this surcharge running at least $1,000. Contact Madrid Law immediately to try to minimize these penalties or have the charges dropped completely," Madrid continues.
People often assume they must have a blood alcohol concentration level about the allowed amount in the state to be charged with and convicted of a DUI. In fact, state law allows anyone who is deemed to be impaired as a result of drug, alcohol or any substance use to be tried and convicted of this crime. The person simply needs to be lacking in their normal mental or physical faculties due to the use of the substance.
"DUI convictions occur every day in the state, thus individuals charged with this crime need the assistance of the Madrid Law DWI team right away. As the penalties are severe, even for a first-time conviction, don't delay. The sooner our team begins working on the case, the sooner the matter can be resolved. This allows the accused to get on with his or her life and move past the mistake in the shortest time possible," Madrid