Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, written by Tomson Highway, is a play that transports the audience into the mind of the protagonist, Zachary Jeremiah Keechigeesik, whose community experiences the many obstacles and after-effects inflicted by oppression. The play takes place at Wasaychigan Hill Indian Reserve and starts with a stark naked Zachary in the home of Big Joey. The audience later finds out that Zachary and Big Joey are running against each other, and that both are trying to get a grant to start up a business. Big Joey hopes to start up a radio station that plays across Native reserves and become ultimately helps him become recognized within his community. On the other hand, Zachary wishes to open up a bakery in order to provide jobs for his community, despite the fact that he has no experience with the culinary arts. Also, the women on the reserve decide to form a Hockey team, and the men constantly voice their disapproval throughout the play.
As the play moves forward, the audience observes several scenes signifying gender roles and oppression on the reserve; for example the native men voicing their disapproval for the all women hockey team and wanting the women to stop playing, and the fact that throughout the play the men would get together to express their dislike about the women playing hockey as if they owned the women. Also, it was interesting to view the effects of colonization on the natives, with little things like Spooky Lacroix knitting blue socks for a baby boy. Furthermore, throughout the play there was a constant show of the men trying to oppress the women, and an example of this is when Big Joey admits to the other men that the reason he didn’t stop Patsy’s rape was because he hated the women for taking away his “power”.
Topic one: The Native men objectify the women.
Topic two: There are constant