DATA SET “S:/Slides/NgamsiriudomW/MKTG 3710/Data sets/MockExam.sav”
1. Is there any relationship between how old people are and their ability to find time during the day to donate blood? If so, please explain how they are related to each other. (in this data set, the variable “Age” is collect as a “metric” variable)
HO: There is no relationship between “how old people are” and “their ability to find time during the day to donate blood”
Analysis of Association: Cross-Tabulation
P = .118 > 0.05 Accept; there is no significant relationship between “how old people are” and “their ability to find time during the day to donate blood”
2. Since I’m afraid of needles, and I believe that most people do. Therefore, I hypothesized that the population will “Disagree” that the needle used during the donation process doesn’t concern them too much. Based on the data from these respondents, can you tell me if I’m wrong about this?
Ho: The population will “disagree” that the needle used during the donation process doesn’t concern them too much
Inferential Statistics
T = 28.671 > +- 1.96; P = 0 < .05 Reject
3. Regardless of whether my hypothesis above was wrong or not, please give me the range where the population mean will fall in between.
Inferential Statistics
Between 3.38 and 3.88 (using the Ho from question 2)
4. Is there any difference between members of the Blood Bank of Delmarva and non-members in terms of their overall level of satisfaction with the Blood Bank of Delmarva?
Analysis of Difference: Independent Samples T-Test
Ho: There is no difference between members and non-members in terms of their “overall level of satisfaction with the Blood Bank of Delmarva”
T = 28.671 > +- 1.96; P = 0 Reject; membership does effect overall satisfaction
5. Is there any relationship between how often people donate their blood and whether or not the blood bank of Delmarva makes them feel appreciated for donating blood?