The main purpose of this assignment was to research negotiating with learners, inclusive learning, integrating functional skills and communication, and to concentrate on one particular area that we found most useful, which in consideration of my field of work was communication with learners and how this meets the needs of ESBD students as I work for an ESBD school combined with a PRU, and therefore work with interesting, challenging and also violent behaviour.
I feel that by looking into greater detail the concept of negotiating with learners will support me in understanding what helps the learner to adapt to their environment, work well with others, and ways in which I can enable their learning.
Despite focusing on negotiating with learners, I will be looking in less elaborate detail inclusive learning, integrating functional skills and communication, I would like to find out more about how you can adapt the teaching and learning environment to suit a learner, who may not learn academically, and may need extra supporting reaching their full potential in their learning.
To help me diverse my research i have used the internet, a selection of books, class notes, and my prior experiences, using a variety of sources should help me to compile un-bias research.
Research on: Negotiating with learners. Looking at initial assessment, agreeing goals, and actions with learners.
When researching negotiating with learners my main objective was to find out how negotiating with learners can help and support them.
One important aspect of teaching is to familiarise yourself with a learner and their capabilities, looking at a student’s background and prior knowledge is essential for understanding your learners competence when it comes to taking on a new course.
Understanding a student’s academic level will give you the information required to help select a course that is within their ability, and having a good
Bibliography: Armitage, A. Teaching and training in post-compulsary education. Buckingham: Open university press, 1999. Capel, S et al. Learning to teach in the secondary school. London: Routledge Falmer, 2001. Child, D. Psychology and the teacher. York: Continuum, 2007. Cohen, C et el. A guide to teaching practice. London: Routledge falmer, 1996. Dillon, J and Maguire, M. Becoming a teacher. Buckingham: Open university press, 2001. Minton, D. Teaching skills in further and adult education. Zrinski: Thompson Learning, 1997. Traylor, D. "wikinut." factors that affect student learning. 12 01, 2010. (accessed 12 18, 2011). Tummons, J. Assessing learning in the lifelong learning sector. Second. Exeter: Learning matters, 2005.