Models/patterns of loss
Dual Process Model by Stroebe and Schut I found was interesting as it recognises that you can sway from Loss-orientated to a Restoration-orientated state. This is very practical as life goes on and some of the roles that we undertake just can’t stop because we have had a bereavement.
William Wordens Tasks of Mourning makes sense as I can see that there is a process or in this case tasks that we have to do go through in order to grieve however my most significant loss, being the loss of my daughter, doesn’t help me with doing Task 3 as we didn’t get to know her and therefore didn’t have to adjust to an environment where she was missing as she was not quite here when she died.
Elizabeth Kuber Ross …show more content…
In this instance you could refer them to Shelter. Once they have found a home then the client may be able to return to the helper for counselling.
Shelter helps to find emergency accommodation but also gives long term help. They can put you in touch with your local council and social services. They offer specialist help to people being released from prison, ex-forces personnel and young people.
A parent suffering from the loss of a baby may have Kent SANDS recommended to them. They are not counsellors, only befrienders so bereavement counselling should also be undertaken if that’s not what the client is with you for. They can however offer support in the form of monthly support groups and one-to-one befriender visits. Sometimes it is just good to speak to someone you know has been through a similar