The types of thinking that separate right and wrong, body and spirit, reason and emotion, and masculine and feminine, which forces us to go into restrictive paradigm about our identity and how we should act. Dualism model of thinking has developed in western philosophy. It makes us to classify, categorize, and conceptualize our world that we live in (Pryer, 2003). All of these separations create the sense of awkwardness and disability to live the life to the fullest, make our mind busy and not in the present moment of …show more content…
When we deeply in touch with our deepest inner nature, we actually could communicate effectively and beautifully. Rosenberg, furthermore, explains there are some qualities that prevent us to really connect with others. Those qualities manifested as judgment, comparison, classification, and our ideas about what is right and wrong. They emerge as the representation of dualistic mind which already wired within our neurology. Therefore, we have tendency not to see things in the clarity of mind, but blurred with our perception of reality (Rinpoche, 2007). That phenomenon occurs as the roots of communication conflict or general conflict as we lives in the daily activities. The cause behind the conflict appears as a wrong perception and understanding (Hanh, 2013). If we dig deeper into the wrong perception, we will find the cause of aggression and violent act that emerges within human unconsciousness (Fromm, 1973). For example an aggression caused by perception that other people adapt the wrong belief system or an aggression because of hatred toward some groups. All of them rooted in the wrong perception, trapped in the dichotomy of right and wrong