Dudley Street Neighborhood
Briefly describe social organization (also called social disorganization) theory and discuss at least two examples of what was done in terms of increasing collective efficacy of the community. Social organization theory links directly the rates of crime to the ecological traits of a neighborhood. The theory argues that the residential location of an individual is an important factor that shapes the possibility that a person shall become involved in activities that are illegal. The social organization theory defines the values that control and limit the problems behavior amongst the young adults.
Dudley Street was devastated by neglect and redlining practices, disinvestment, arson, and homelessness. The Dudley Neighborhood refers to a community with Roxbury. Within the Neighborhood, there are two main streets, Blue Hill Avenue and Dudley Street and outline what is usually named as the Dudley Triangle (About us, n.d). During the 20th and 19th century, the area was largely populated by Irish, and Europen Immigrants who had been employed in …show more content…
The Act usually governs the operation, formation and the eventually dissolution of a not for profit organization in the state of Massachusetts. The state of Massachusetts has allocated a limited number of its budget towards some of the initiatives that have been started by the DNSI. For instance through the Youth Mentoring Day, the young people are encouraged to work towards promoting the standards of living. Through being recognized by the state, the DNSI is also recognized as amongst the most successful urban community land trusts n the nation and usually serves as model to be followed by other