The deceased at the time of his death had left a wife and ten children, five sons and five daughters and currently one son is deceased leaving 9 children.
That upon his death two administrators were appointed, that is Duncan Wanderi Njari and Eshiton Njari Karonji the wife to the deceased and son respectively. However this process did not proceed as expected as some of the children of the deceased especially the daughters were not amiable to the arrangements the two had. They did not conquer with the wishes of deceased that Duncan Wanderi Njari was to retain the LR Parcel NO. KIRIMUKUYU/MBOGOINI/837 and that the said parcel should instead be given to the m since they did not benefit. The two assets that they were distributing the …show more content…
The deceased had described this as either as a fine, as per translation of minutes of meeting held on octover,1983, and it actually meant of suit which should be given through their mother and that is when one can get a place to build.
The deceased emphasized that his child will get property depending on the respect hey have shown to the deceased and his wife. He took note of one of the daughters who failed to come for meeting yet the husband was present.
The meeting held on March, 1989 re affirmed this when deceased directed that his parcels be divided into 3 equal portions and that is actually what was done and the portions which is the biggest belongs to the daughters but through their brother Duncan Wanderi Njari and that land shall be given only if they buy him clothes. That this was the explicit wishes of the dad that this land should not be sold and make rearranges which he had …show more content…
He was entrusted withday to day activities, and it is not true that he failed to take a place where he had been gifted as pe the wishes although he was given a title deed it was meant to revert to his two brothers and be gifted with the entire parcel LR. Kirimukuyu/Mbogoini/837. Clearly the deceased saw that the daughters were not ready to heed his calls and the reason he made such drastic decisions. However, said process of transfer of this property and two other brothers did not commence immediately and upon the demise of the father the said propery had not bee transferred and death had overtaken this events and the wishes of the deceased wished that Duncan Wanderi Njeri to become the owner, custodian of the said parce and that if the sister were to came back he would allocate them a