Who would have thought that a night on the town could have ended up with an eighty-two year prison sentence for a young, Dustin Turner. Dustin Turner who was wrongly accused for the murder of a Ms. Jennifer Evans, who was vacationing at Virginia Beach Oceanfront at the time. Dustin would have been granted release from prison at the Virginia court of appeals, but was denied by Virginia Supreme court in a split 2-1 decision. Dustin Turner must be freed considering that the Virginia Court system has deprived him of his unalienable right and right to free will.
After leaving the bar with Dustin and Jennifer, Billy Joe Brown was making flirtatious advances towards Jennifer, which she denied. In a drunken rage, Billy killed Jennifer. Billy Joe then forced Dustin to help hide Jennifer’s body or Billy would kill Dustin, too. In a state of fear, Dustin helped with the disposal of Jennifer’s Body. After eight days after the accident, Dustin Turner confessed about everything that happened that night to the Virginia police. At the court hearing, Billy Joe pinned the crime on Dustin, whereas Dustin pled the truth about what happened. Even in doing so, Dustin Turner was convicted an eighty-two year sentence to a Virginia Penitentiary.
Billy Joe Brown, the main suspect of the case, was the …show more content…
sole murderer of the young Jennifer Evans. Quoted form this article, “Brown gave several accounts of the murder but always blamed Turner until his 2002 confession, in which he said he had become a Christian in prison and could no longer allow an innocent man to pay for a crime he committed.” (Adams). Getting a confession from Billy Joe Brown should have proven proof of innocence for Dustin Turner, who already served sixteen years in prison.This appeal was denied by judges of the Virginia Supreme Court, stating, “…even if Turner had hoped to have sex with Evans, there was no evidence that he intended to do it by force.” (Adams). Dusty was pleading innocent from the very beginning of his court hearings, and hasn’t changed the story since, why would he change it now?
Even with all of the evidence and claims I’ve, there will still be those who will argue against my case. People will argue, “If he was completley honest, why did Dustin not confess until eight days later?”, which is true, why did Dustin wait eight days? Dusty Turner waited eight days because he was still in a emotional state from the traumatizing accident. Plus, he was still friends with Billy Joe Brown, and wanted to protect his friend fromserving time in a Virginia Penatentuary.One more thing preventing Dusty from convincing is also going to a Virginia jail for halping hide the body and being the getaway driver.
After already serving 14years behind bars, Dustin Turner was about to be a free man.
All Dusty needed to get his case overturned was a “writ of actual innocence”, which was granted to him via Billy Joe Brown, who later found Jesus Christ while in prison. In a split 2-1 decision by a three-judge panel Dusty would be free. Instead of being released, Dustin Turner was instead still sentenced guilty by the Virginia Supreme Court, stating “ Dustin Turner did not need to be forceful with Jennifer Evans in order to get his way with her”.Thus, to this day, Dustin remains in prison. Every year, Dustin Turner’s parents make a petition for Dusty’s release. It has not yet been
To conclude, Dustin Turner deserves to be released from Virginian Prision. Dusty has confessed his sins upon the courtroom, and told nothing besides the truth. Billy Joe Brown later confessed that Dusty had no part of the murder of Jennifer Evans. Even the Virginia Court of Appeals passed Dustins Release. Dustin was only an accesory to murder, so it is not right for dustin to serve a longer term than Billy Joe Brown, who actually did the murder.