Student Number: 50317350
Assignment 05
Unique assignment number: 891095
Sustainable Development
1. Introduction 2. What is sustainable development 3. Deforestation
3.1 Deforestation and its influence on sustainable development (With a closer look on Iran) 3.2 Deforestation preventing, controlling or mitigating strategies
3 3 4
4 5
4. Soil Erosion
4.1 Soil erosion and its influence on sustainable development (With a closer look on Iran) 4.2 Pollution preventing, controlling or mitigating strategies
5 6
5. Pollution
5.1 Pollution and its influence on sustainable development (With a closer look on Iran) 5.2 Pollution preventing, controlling or mitigating strategies
6. Conclusion 7. Bibliography
7 7 8
1. Introduction
In the last century we have passed, our economy has led us to an edge regarding to our environmental and natural bounties. As the result of this crucial moment, human societies came to the conclusion that if they don’t do something urgently about this situation, they would probably lose everything they have gained so far. In 1987, United Nations invited world leaders and organize World Commission on Environment and Development which during it, they represent the concept of “Sustainable Development”. In this article, I am trying to represent this concept as well as deforestation, soil erosion and pollution production as some of the serious stumbling blocks which we are encountering with in our international effort to achieve sustainable development.
2. What is sustainable development
To start with this concept I prefer to define ecology in the first step since it is related to sustainable development. According to Ernst Haeckel “Ecology is the study of our physical environment; more precisely the study of distribution and abundance of organisms and also the relationships between these organisms with their physical environment (Cary Institute:1).
Bibliography: - Brown, L. 2011. World On The Edge. New York: Earth Policy Institute. - BTI. 2012. Sustainability. Iran Country Report. Available at: (accessed on 16/3/2013) - (accessed on 16/3/2013) - De Beer, F, Cornwell, L. 2010. Only study guide for DVA1501. Pretoria: University of South Africa - Khazr heidari, F. 2012. Soil Erosion In Iran. Available at: (accessed on 16/3/2013) - Middleton, N. 2008. The Global Casino: An Introduction to Environmental Issues. 4th edition. London: Hodder Education. - Miller, T. 2011. Our Living Earth, Custom Edition. Hampshire: Cengage Learning EMEA - Regan, C. 2006. 80:20 Development in an Unequal World. 5th edition. Ireland. 80:20 Education and Acting for a Better World. - (accessed on 16/3/2012) - (accessed on 16/3/2013) - Thompson, D. 2011. Pollution prevention better than cleanup. Available at: (accessed on 16/3/2013) - VOAnews. 2011. Iran’s Increasing Rate of Deforestation in the International forest year. Available at: : (Accessed on 16/3/2013) - World Bank. 2003. Iran: World Bank Loan to Help Fight Pollution. Available at:,,contentMDK:20103947~menuP K:64282137~pagePK:41367~piPK:279616~theSitePK:40941,00.html (accessed on 16/3/2013) 8 9