DWS vietnam fund limited
Table of content
I. Introduction
This purpose of this report is to analyse DWS Fund Vietnam Limited’s investment and fund management. Specifically, the areas which will be mentioned about are regarding the company’s background, types of asset class, asset allocation, current portfolio, reference currency. Furthermore, aspects such as investment strategies, net asset value (NAV), asset management will be discussed for a better understanding of the company’s most recent financial situation. For the same reason, fees, redemptions, dividends, time horizon of investment and dollar cost averaging are also needed to be looked at.
Overall, the report looks at the company as a whole regarding the way in which they invest their funds and how they management it through various extends. II. Vietnam economy
Since 2000, Vietnam has been witnessing considerable development growth rate thanks to many effective reforms that had been implemented. Especially, on 11 January 2007, Vietnam officially became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (WTO, 2007). This event has opened many favourable opportunities for Vietnam to join the worldwide financial system.
In 2007, GDP growth rate was 8.5% which was considered as the fastest rate in 11 years since 1995 (indembassy, 2009). The structure of economy also changed significantly, from an agricultural economy to industrial one which was reflected through the transformation in proportion of agriculture, construction, and service. Specifically, industry and construction made up 42% whereas services and agriculture accounted for 38% and 20% respectively.
Apart from this, thanks to the open-door policies and many incentives that Vietnamese government has been offering to foreign investors, it helped attract a high record of $21.3 billion FDI (Minh, 2011). There were many foreign investors from different territories in the world in which South Korea was
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