When you hear the sound of the words you then convert them into letters which creates spelling. When you see letters on the page this then brings about reading. This is how we learn new words and their pronunciation, by segmenting the word and breaking it down into its constituent sounds. Reading and spelling is made harder for someone who is Dyslexic. If their working …show more content…
In someone diagnosed with Dyslexia the development of the visual magnocellular system is impaired. A Dyslexic can have a binocular instability (different types of patterns of eye movement) which in turn causes a visual perceptual instability, known as visual stress. This perceptual problem can cause the letters on a page to move around, cross over each other, merge, and wave about on the page. The artistic, holistic and entrepreneurial talents of someone with a developmental condition of Dyslexia may be because of a heightened development of parvocellular systems.
The use of coloured overlays can help with the visual processes according to Stein. There may also be some dietary factors affecting the learning of a Dyslexic person, deficits in essential fatty acids has been seen in the work of Richardson as evidence of this hypothesis. The ability to read fluently and well can be affected by the condition known as visual stress. It can affect both comprehension and the development of decoding in text. Visual stress is the result of over excitation of the visual cortex. This is due to hypersensitivity to pattern and contrast glare. The overlay can help with the contrast and reduce the glare that causes distortion and difficulty with reading the