Dyslexia refers to a specific difficulty in learning to read and write. However this is not the only difficulty that children with dyslexia experience and there are variations of their symptoms. These problems appear to stem from fundamental difficulties in the rapid processing and sequencing of phonological information in short term memory. These children also have difficulties with associations with letters and their sounds. Learning their left from right also is difficult. In the 1970s-80s it was thought Dyslexia was a label given to rich parents underachieving children as an excuse for their poor performance. Contempory definitions of dyslexia combine a discrepancy approach with definition indicators. The discrepancy approach is key in how educational psychologists identify dyslexia.
Dyspraxia is used to describe the symptoms of people who experience problems in oorganising their movements and may have problems with thought, perception and language. Dyspraxia is also known as developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD). Dyspraxia can make written work for children in school very difficult as it has a huge impact on the visual field with writing. Alongside this the mental affects a child may experience in school from being bullied for their condition may then effect their performance in the classroom. Due to late start in researching of DCD, intervention is not often attempted until a child reaches school age.
Cormorbidity, where two disorders or illnesses occur in the same peron simultaneously or sequentially, often happens with dyslexia or dyspraxia. Kaplan (2001) found that children with reading difficulties were 51.6% more likely to have another developmental difficulty. If all these conditions have a