Scenario: This task requires you to work in teams of three or four students to prepare a report and then deliver a 15- 20 minute presentation to your teacher and your peers.
Due date: Week 8
Assessment weighting: 20% (50 marks for the group report and 50 marks for the presentation)
1. With reference to the HRM topics discussed in weeks four, five and six in your EMGT N441 class, choose any one of the HRM topics. Analyze the selected topic with reference to the UAE. Submit a group report including the following requested information.
A. A general overview of the topic chosen by your group.
B. Critical evaluation of the topic you have chosen. Your …show more content…
State what you think are 3 current HRM challenges for the UAE with reference to the selected topic.
D. Provide at least 3 academic references and 2 industry examples to show that you have applied your academic knowledge to industry.
E. Give 3 detailed recommendations for improvement (remember to provide supporting evidence).
The report should be in the range of 2000 to 2500 words.
2. The report then should also be converted into a power point presentation. The presentation requires between 6 and 8 PowerPoint slides. Each of your group members will be required to equally participate in the presentation of 15 to 20 minutes duration.
3. At the end of the presentation the audience/teacher will ask the presentation team 3 questions. Please be confident of your subject material and be prepared to justify any statements that you made in your presentation.
Follow the attached marking scheme to complete all sections of the report and the presentation.
Key to grading criteria
Late Assessment Guidelines
Guidelines for Late Submission of Coursework Assessments …show more content…
This could be from another student’s assignment/projects, books or the Internet. This can be either intentional or unintentional (did not know it was necessary to reference material used in essays or written assignment). Plagiarism is also considered as a form of cheating and the penalty for cheating is outlined in student Handbook. “Any student found guilty of cheating will be dismissed by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the College Director. A record of this shall be entered in the student’s official record and