Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies
EAP 112 Assignments for Distance Students 2012/13
Assignment one
Education for All (EF A) is an international initiative first launched in Jomtien, Thailand, in
1990. Explain why EFA is important to a developing country like Zambia and critically examine the policy measures put up by the Zambian government in trying to achieve this goal. What are the main educational challenges of attaining EFA by 2015?
Assignment two
Examine the concepts of equality and equity as they relate to education provision. Trace the historical factors that led to the non-observance of the practice of equality in education provision in Zambia and suggest some policy measures that can be put in place in order to promote equity in the provision of education at both elementary and tertiary levels.
Your assignments should not be longer than five (5) pages (including references) of normal handwriting, any essay longer than this will be heavily penalised.
Leave a wide margin (3cm) on the left hand side of the page and (2cm) at the top and bottom
You should use the "in-text" referencing style system, e.g. (author's surname, year, page numbers).
Write only on one side of the page; where possible type your work.
Avoid over-reliance on quotations and use your own words to reflect your understanding of issues.
Essays with plagiarised (and copied essays), information or unacknowledged quotations will NOT be given any marks.
You should provide a list of references at the end of the assignment.
You are expected to consult a broad and balanced source of information, and should have at least a minimum of five (5) references.
We give credit for:
(a) Content: Knowledge of the topic, development of the answer and relevance to the assigned topic.
(b) Organisation: Extent to which your ideas and reasoning are clearly stated and logical continuity of