The table below presents information about the Australian economy in the late 1980s.
Write a report describing the trends in profits shown in the table.
You should write at least 150 words. TABLE 1: COMPANY PROFITS BEFORE TAX, BY INDUSTRY ($ million)
|Period | Manufacturing |Mining |Retail Trade |Other |
|1986-87 |4,650 |3,840 |612 |1,232 |
|1987-88 |6,615 |3,816 |886 |1,511 |
|1988-89 |8,617 |3,540 |1,349 |1,696 |
|1989-90 |7,810 |4,992 |1,373 |397 |
Write an essay expressing your views on the following topic:
Technology can bring many benefits, but it can also cause social and environmental problems. In relation to new technology, the primary duty of Governments should be to focus on potential problems, rather than benefits.
You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Practice Writing Test 1 Answers
Writing Task 1
The table shows Australian company profits before tax for the period 1986-90 in four sectors: Manufacturing. Mining, Retail Trade and Other Industries. Profits were very uneven across these four sectors during the four year period.
The most important sector was Manufacturing, where profits nearly doubled from 1986 to 1989 to peak as $8.6 billion, followed by Mining, where profits reached almost $5 billion in 1989-90, after fluctuating just below $4 billion for the previous three years. Profits in Retail Trade also