January 26, 2013
DUE: February 1, 2013
The Summary Response builds on summary in two ways. First, before you can respond to a text, you must be able to summarize its main points. In other words, you must understand a text on its own terms before you can express an opinion about it. Second, the Summary Response expands textual meaning by including reader response. It's the kind of reader response, however, that distinguishes a good Summary Response from a bad one. A good Summary Response incorporates personal response and supports and develops that response with evidence.
The Summary Response, then, asks you to go beyond mere summary in order to use it to make and support a point. This assignment asks you to write a Summary Response of a text from our next unit in Reader’s Choice, “Educational Policy.” There are 3 texts to choose from: “The Creative Spirit,” “American Values in Education,” or “School Violated Student’s Rights, British Court Rules
Your purpose is to contextualize the topic, summarize the main argument of the text, and then make 2 points that persuade an academic audience that your opinion is reasonable. Your evidence will come from the text and from your own personal knowledge and insight. Your language should be descriptive, precise, and persuasive for your chosen audience. The essay should be approximately 2 pages (typed, double-spaced) in length. Your summary should contain the following elements: Paragraph 1—Introduction and context/background and a concluding thesis. Paragraph 2—Summary of “Can English Be Dethroned?” Paragraph 3—Summary of “English Seen as Co-Star among Global Languages”
Paragraph 3—Your own response (point 1) Paragraph 4—Your own response (point 2) Paragraph 5—Conclusion that answers the question “So what?” (For example, Why should I care? What should I do? Why have I learned?)
What the Summary Response is:
1) a means of going beyond the literal content of the