2012 SCORING GUIDELINES © 2012 The College Board.
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Question 2 BASIC CORE (competence) 1. Has acceptable thesis
• The thesis accurately addresses and qualifies change and continuity in trade networks between Africa and Eurasia from circa 300 C.E. to 1450 C.E.
• The thesis must be explicitly stated in the introduction or the specified conclusion of the essay.
• The thesis may appear as one sentence or as multiple consecutive sentences.
• A thesis that is split among multiple paragraphs, or merely restates the prompt, is unacceptable. • The thesis cannot be counted for credit in any other category. 2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly For 2 points:
• The essay addresses both change and continuity in trade networks between Africa and Eurasia in the relevant time period.
• May not necessarily relate to the majority of the time period. For 1 point:
• The essay accurately addresses either change or continuity in trade networks between Africa and Eurasia in the relevant time period.
• May not necessarily relate to the majority of the time period. 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence For 2 points:
• The essay provides a minimum of five pieces of evidence that support discussion of change and/or continuity in trade networks between Africa and Eurasia within the time period.
• Evidence provides supporting examples. For 1 point:
• The essay provides a minimum of three pieces of evidence that support discussion of change and/or continuity in trade networks between Africa and Eurasia within the time period.
• Evidence provides supporting examples. 4. Uses relevant world historical context effectively to explain continuity and change over time
• The essay accurately describes change or continuity, or both, in trade networks between Africa