Essay 1
Due 2/26/14
Choose one of the following prompts and write an argumentative essay of at least 700 words. You will need to draw information from at least two outside sources to solidify your argument. These sources must be documented in the text of your essay and on a works cited page. The entirety should conform to MLA format and fulfill the requirements listed below.
1. In light of recent legislation, the full legalization of marijuana is visible on the horizon. Obviously there are many sides arguing over the issue. One says, legalization will reduce crime, save taxpayers millions, and focus law enforcement on violent offenders. The opposing side contends the legalizing the drug will sharpen the angle of our country’s already declining morals. This side believes marijuana to be more dangerous than alcohol, when it comes to operating vehicles or participating in certain vocations. They argue studies that show the lingering effects of the drug, e.g., would you be okay with a surgeon who got high yesterday. A less discussed aspect is the black market. Legalization could end the uncountable number of murders committed while trafficking just marijuana into the U.S. It could also force career marijuana dealers into dealing harsher drugs. Should marijuana be fully legalized for recreational use or restricted to only medical use? How would either affect our society and economy?
2. The First Amendment grants each citizen the right to freely express him or herself as he or she chooses. This is not without restraint. Network television and radio have the right to censor offensive content. NBC will never show full-frontal nudity. WWNO will never broadcast “bad” words. There are also restrictions for the sake of public safety. One can be arrested for yelling “fire” in a crowded theater because the panicked reaction might cause injury or death. This kind of rule has also caused great debate on whether the instructions to