Research into the human brain shows that the period from birth to the age of 8 is a critical phase for brain development and therefore the best time for learning. The influence of the external environment is crucial to brain development. If a safe and accepting environment with abundant sensory stimulation is available in early childhood, children will have positive brain development which is beneficial to their future learning.
According to the theory of multiple intelligences, there are many aspects of human intelligence and every individual has varied strengths. Numerous studies on learning theory have shown that children learn gradually and construct knowledge with the assistance of adults.
Early Childhood Education Is Important To A Child The benefits of early childhood education have long been disputed. It is hard to deny the opponents opinion that children have always grown up to be intelligent and reliable young adults without the benefits of early childhood education. Child psychologists and teachers for early childhood education point out that there are many benefits including: the child being ahead when they start formal education, having a good foundation for continued learning, having a grasp of peer relationships, having higher self esteem, and better enjoyment of the learning process.
Psychologists such as Segment Freud and Jean Piaget say that the brain development is highest during the first four years of life and a child learns the most. The brain is forming important neural paths to help develop the child's ability to perform and function and learn well. Children are able to learn at a rapid rate and want and need to learn new information.