Importance of Early Childhood Education
In old days, people used to think that children don’t have ability to distinguish what is right and wrong so there is no need to educate them in their early ages. However, even though it is true that they can’t differentiate right or wrong, it is also true that children absorb everything what they hear and see like sponge and therefore early education is essential. The education given in early childhood shapes foundation of the life and helps mental and academic development of child. It is very essential to recognize importance of early childhood education and how it effects to person’s life.
Research and study on brain development shows how closely they connect to development of emotional, physical, and social capability of individuals. If these fundamental capabilities are not developed in early ages, it would affect to child’s learning potentials. Early childhood is defined as first eight years of life of individual. Eighty-five percent of brain develops by age of five and brain of child in age of three have 2.5 times more active brain than adults (McCarthy, 2011). The learning experience of diverse areas in early childhood makes number of children’s brain connection and such brain cell connection strengthens by continuous new stimulation from the environment (McCarthy, 2011).