Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was born in Chiaravalle, …show more content…
Montessori. The prepared environment theory, according to Dr. Montessori, is that children learn best in a prepared environment. An example of a prepared environment would be child sized furniture and materials. Also, the prepared environment provides learning materials and activities in a structured format in order for children to be independent, active and learn well. Next, her theory of autoeducation states that children who are involved in a prepared environment and have the freedom of choice will basically educate themselves (Morrison). Dr. Montessori believed that “it is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without letting him feel her presence too much, so that she may be always ready to supply the desired help, but may never be the obstacle between the child and his experience" (qtd. In …show more content…
Montessori’s theories are still being practiced in Montessori schools, early childhood classrooms and daycare centers around the world today. According to the American Montessori Society there are more than 4000 Montessori schools in the United States. However, Montessori’s theories are not just practiced in the schools that bear her name; they are also being practiced in other early childhood centers and daycares. As observed at the LCC Camille Prada Early Childhood Development Center, the prepared environment theory is put into practice since all the classrooms have furniture and materials that are sized according to the age of the children that are in that class. As the children grow and move into other classrooms, the furniture increases in size and the materials and the manipulatives become more complex. In like manner, each classroom has art, science, dramatic play, manipulatives, music, and reading centers. Here, the autoeducation theory is practiced, as children are able to move from center to center as they choose, displaying independent learning. For example, in the 3-year-old classroom, several students were sitting at a table coloring papers while other children were using other centers. The teachers were nearby observing the children and ready to