of the early church are people are not as excited to share their faith with others now as they were then. Today we only expect Priests and members of religious orders to evangelize the faith and spread Jesus’ message when in fact we are all called to evangelize the good news. I know from experience that there are many people old and young that have misunderstands or misconceptions of the church that with a little time and energy they can come to see the light and love of Jesus. One example of this is my neighbor Mr. Hanscom. My father grew up in the same house I live in now and Mr. Hanscom was his neighbor his entire life. My Dad told me that his wife was faithful but he never really was interested. When his wife died he became very sad and isolated himself because he did not have many family members. Eventually he would come out and my Dad and him would talk about many things and one day they began to talk about faith and this is where it all started. From that day on they would talk very frequently always going back and forth on topics about how confession works or if his late wife could be in heaven and this went on for about a year. He was around 86 too and he had never been faithful but eventually he decided he wanted to be baptized and received, first communion and confession.
We took him to mass every sunday for the next three years and took care of him and visited him until he passed away. We believe that he is now in heaven with his wife like he always wanted. Seeing this take place especially when I was young was a big witness to the power of patience and the necessity for a renewal of evangelization within the modern Church. In the Roman times there was barely a fraction of the amount of Christians now and even with the small amount that there was they converted an entire empire and eventually all of europe. This evangelization was not just done by priests it was done by normal everyday people living their lives as Jesus wanted. They did not only evangelize with words, but also with actions and how they treated each other. This is what the church needs to revive itself from just some old religion that is counter cultural. How can I and all of us as Christians evangelize the message of Jesus while still living our normal lives? Is it possible for the church today to reach all of those people who have fallen away from the faith and bring them back or is it too