His father was a well off man who made regular visits to prostitutes. His father believed that somehow he had transmitted a venereal disease to his first son. Due to his father’s paranoia, Dali was shown pictures of sores and syphilis at a young age. Dali recalled these imagines as being frightening and grotesque, and began associating them with sexuality as a whole. Dali also became obsessed with his strangely complex sexuality. As an adolescent he came to realized he was poorly equipped for intercourse. A disturbing discovery, his comment in his “Unspeakable confessions” were: “For a long time I experienced the misery of believing I was impotent,”. ''Naked, and comparing myself to my school friends, I discovered that my penis was small, pitiful and soft. I can recall a pornographic novel whose Don Juan machine-gunned female genitals with ferocious glee, saying that he enjoyed hearing women creak like watermelons. I convinced myself that I would never be able to make a woman creak like a watermelon.'' Although this discovery would seem not quite that odd, for Dali masturbation would be almost the only sexual activity throughout his life.
When Dali was a young child, he wanted to be a cook, but then at age six he started painting. Dali said "When I was three I wanted to be a cook. At the age of six I wanted to be Napoleon. Since then my ambition has increased all