The topic of growth and development is very important during the early years as it takes place from the very beginning before a child is born, and is continually occurring as children increase in age, “Children grow and develop from the moment they are conceived until they reach adulthood” (Lee, 1990, p.2)
In the Oxford dictionary the word growth is defined as – “The process of growing”. Lee (1990, p.2) states, “To grow is to get bigger”. In Early Years the term growth often refers to the physical changes in children. Professionals such as midwives, health visitors and medical practitioners use methods such as scans (during prenatal stages) and charts including centile charts (after a child is born) to record and monitor the quantitative changes in children.
“health professionals commonly use the Denver screening checklist and development centile charts, in order to record the child’s growth and weight” (Macleod-Brudenell, 2004, p.69)
The Oxford dictionary defines the word development as – “A new stage in a changing situation”. Lee (1990, p.2) states “To develop is to change in form as one grows”. In relation to Early Years this refers to the occurring physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social changes which are hugely evident and permanently ongoing as a child grows. These stages of qualitative change
Bibliography: Anderson, L., 2009. Broken Bones are scary – Broken Growth Plates are Scarier. Available from: [Accessed 19/06/09] Ayalon, R.D., Friedman, F., 13/06/2007 Babycentre., 2009. Your Premature baby’s future. Available from: [Accessed 13/06/09] BBC., 2009 Bee, H., 2000. The Developing Child. 9th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Better Health., 2007 Calbom, C., Calbom, J., 2007. Growth Hormone, Fat Burning, and Muscle Development. Available from: [Accessed 16/06/09] Cooper, Dr C., 1997 Davenport, G.C., 1994. An Introduction to Child Development . 2nd ed. CollinsEducational: London EYFS, 2008, DFES Flanagan, C., 1996. Applying Psychology to Early Child Development. Hodder & Stoughton: London Freud Museum., 2009 Lee, C., 1990. The Growth and Development of Children. 4th ed. Pearson Education: Edinburgh Lord Laming., 12/03/09 Macleod-Brudenell, I., 2004. Advanced Early Years Care and Education. Heinemann: The Bath Press Maslow., 2005 NHS., 2OO9. Pregnancy and Newborn News. Available from: [Accessed 13/06/09] Online Encyclopedia., 2009 Riddall-Leach, S., 2005. How to observe children. Heinemann: The Bath Press Smith, P.K., Cowie, H., Blades, m., 2008 Thomson, H., Meggitt, C., 1997. Human Growth and Development. Hodder & Stoughton Educational: London University of Maryland Medical Centre., 27/02/2009