The average child grows 2 ½ inches in height and gains between 5 and 7 pounds a year during early childhood. Some of the brain’s growth in early childhood is due to an increase in the number and size of dendrites, some to myelination, and the most rapid growth occurs in the frontal lobes. The gross motor skills of a five year old is steadily improving. Children are more adventurous, they run hard and enjoy races with each other and their parents. It is not
unusual for them to perform daring stunts on practically and climbing object. Fine motor coordination also continues to improve, hand, arm, and body all move together under better command of the eye.
At age 5, according to Piaget’s Theory, the child is in the preoperational stage, during which the child begins to represent the world with words, symbols, to form stable concepts, and to reason. Their symbolic thoughts go beyond simple connections of sensory information and physical actions. Egocentrism or the inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and someone’s else perspective is present, and their magical beliefs are constructed. Vygotsky emphasizes that a child at this age social contexts of learning, the construction of knowledge through social interaction, and their cognitive development depends on the tools provided by society and their minds are shaped by cultural context in which they live. A child also begins to use speech not only for social communication, but also to help them solve tasks, plan, guide, and monitor their behavior.
The child’s ability to control and sustain their attention improves at this point. At this age, though their short-term memory span increases during early childhood years their memory also becomes more accurate. Children’s theory of mind changes as they develop through childhood, at age 4 to 5 they become to understand that the mind can represent objects and events accurately or inaccurately; however, their understanding of their own thinking is limited. Early childhood children increase their grasp of language’s rule systems and their conversational skills improve as well.