1. After you created a geologic time scale with key events in Earth’s History, compare the number of events in each era. Did more Earth-shaping events occur early in Earth’s history or later on? Explain why.
Based on my geologic time scale, there are three events in Precambrian Time, two events in Paleozoic Era, four events in Mesozoic Era and one event in Cenozoic Era. These events mostly occurred later on in Earth’s history. Mesozoic Era has the most events which are four out of ten events on the list, mean that Earth-shaping events happened more recently. Earth-shaping events occur later on because the complex life form such as mammal existed on earth just only about 220 million years ago compare to the formation of earth that already happened about 4.6 billion years ago. This due to the early structure of the earth that was not suitable for complex living things. There were significant rose in oxygen level that happened 2.4 billion ago. This caused simple life forms such as jellyfish to develop. As the years progressed, the earth had changed and become more suitable for complex life form such as dinosaurs. Nowadays, earth has developed into a suitable living condition that suit human’s needs. Last but not least, the earth-shaping events occur later on basically based on my geologic time scale that showed most of the events were concentrated at the recently era which is Mesozoic Era.
2. Compare your poster (& key events chosen) with OTHERS in your class. What events do all lists share? Do these events share common features?
There are a few events in Earth’s History that all the posters share. The events that did all posters share are formation of earth and moon, prokaryotes (bacteria), first land plant, start of age of dinosaurs and homo-sapiens (form of human species).
There are a few common features that these events were sharing. First, all these events were starting point of something. As an example, the formation of