1. Secondary source
a. Name/location of source
b. Who are the Europeans involved?
c. Who are the non-Europeans?
d. Where do the actions mentioned in the source take place?
e. When do the actions mentioned take place?
f. Describe the relationship between European and non-European peoples mentioned in your source. Do the non-Europeans seem to have any rights? If so, what are they?
g. Mention any gains or losses by 1) Europeans; and 2) non-Europeans.
h. Describe the contribution to global history described in this source – the world is made “smaller” through connections made between peoples. What do connections between people groups look like in this source?
i. How do the Europeans interact with the non-European people (i.e. trade with, enslave, conquer, displace, etc)
j. Provide a 3-4 sentence paraphrase of the information given in the source. Do a good job; you will need these notes later!
2. Map/chart/graph
a. Name/title of source
b. Who are the Europeans you found information about in this source?
c. Who are the non-Europeans?
d. What year(s) does the source give information for?
e. Where does the action take place (or between which 2-3 places)?
f. What is the relationship between Europeans and non-Europeans shown in this source?
g. Describe the global history process (connections between groups of people) shown in this source.
h. Provide a 2-3 sentence paraphrase of the information given in the source. Include specific details or statistics if possible!
3. Video
a. Name/title of video
b. Who are the Europeans?
c. Who are the non-Europeans?
d. Where do the events take place?
e. When do the events take place?
f. What is the relationship shown between the Europeans and the non-Europeans?
g. Mention