Our Success Stories Database publishes stories from member schools that are leading the movement with creative and innovative ways to improve the health of students and staff. This is a fun way to learn what other schools are doing to be successful. To find stories specific to you, you can search by state, grade and wellness categories.
Our Product Navigator and Product Calculator are the best tools to find approved products for your school. Search our Product Navigator to find a growing list of Alliance approved companies and products for your school meals. Use our Product Calculator to see which food and beverages meet our guidelines.
Our School Recipes are a series of school-friendly dishes that have been created by world-class chefs and celebrity food stars. They have been tested by a team of food service directors from all across the country in real schools with real kids. Take a look at our latest recipes that meet school food service operational needs and get the “thumbs up” from students. Our list is growing so continue to look back for the latest. We are now featuring Rachael Ray and Reed Alexander.
Our In-Your-State Reports give you an overview of what your state is currently doing when it comes to childhood health and how your state ranks among others. Our Healthy Schools Program is in all 50 states and our reports will show you which schools are leading the way for school health and how other schools can do the