Imagine not being able to control how much food a person may consume. This is called B.E.D
Also known as Binge Eating Disorder. This is a disorder that causes people to eat extremely fast,
eat beyond being full, eat when he/she isn’t hungry, and causes people to hide the quantity of
food they may have eaten from others. B.E.D is a real medical condition. The cause is unknown.
Many people across the United States of America are diagnosed with B.E.D an estimated 2.8
million US adults, according to a national survey have been diagnosed to have B.E.D.
B.E.D is more common in US adults than anorexia and bulimia combined. Some people assume …show more content…
Many people who have B.E.D have no control over the portions of food
they eat. Usually a person doesn’t try to undo the portions of food they have eaten by
regurgitating. For example working out harder than usual. Only rare cases include people trying
to undo their binge. What can be done to manage B.E.D? Getting help to manage B.E.D is
possible. Managing B.E.D requires working with your health care provider. So he or she can
discuss therapies with you to get your best treatment. A cure has not been made for B.E.D but
there are many ways to manage your condition. Some people may have B.E.D and not quite
understand what is going on. They may assume they are just craving foods. Or they might
assume they are really hungry. Talking to a health care provider is the only way to truly know if
you have B.E.D. Also it may help to know overeating at a holiday party or a meal isn’t not
B.E.D. There are many support groups for people who have B.E.D. B.E.D is not something you
can catch from anyone either. Unlike illnesses and diseases. The cause is linked to chemicals in
the brain. These chemicals may cause you to over eat and even though you are already quite …show more content…
Health care provider teams are made up of primary care
physicians, nutritionists, and mental health care professionals. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is
one of the most widely studied therapies used to treat people with B.E.D. This encourages
people to regulate their eating habits by setting goals, modifying negative self perception, and
CBT may also help reduce the frequency of eating binges. Another therapy is Interpersonal
therapy also known as IPT. Interpersonal therapy may be used for those who binge eat to cope
with a social problem. This helps people recognize the problem so they can better manage
negative feelings without turning to food as a way to cope. Another therapy is Dialectical
behavior therapy also known as DBT. This may be used for people who binge eat to cope with a
painful emotional experience. This helps patients with B.E.D develop certain skills to reduce
binge eating habits. So when you talk a doctor these are some treatments to consider. Also it
would be best to talk to a health care provider because there are more symptoms of B.E.D. Hope
you’ve learned a lot about B.E.D you may be able to help one of your family members deal with