When you keep your body strong, well, and clean, you are being healthy. To be healthy, you will have to eat the right kind of food, exercise every day, take showers, keep yourself clean, and stay well. People who are healthy usually have a drug free past. Junk food is not something people eat to be healthy. Eating junk food affects your body and can make you sick.
For a person to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise every day, eat the right kind of food, stay clean, and you will feel good about yourself on the inside and the outside. You won’t be worrying about your weight or appearance because you feel great inside just from staying healthy. On the outside, you will feel good and strong. You will have positive self-esteem about yourself. You can do or achieve anything that comes your way without having trouble.
If you eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of soda, and do things that could mess up your health, you are hurting your body. If you don’t eat the right foods, exercise daily, and stay clean, you could kill yourself faster and could easily catch a sickness and die from it, because you don’t have enough strength to fight sicknesses. In your mind, you will have negative thoughts and not positive thoughts. You will put yourself and everyone around you, including your loved ones in a bad mood. You won’t have the strength to do anything, except sleep, eat, and talk. Basically, you will become really lazy, because you won’t have the energy to do