Due February 10, 2014
Step 1. Do some background reading
The Ecological Footprint is a measure of the human impact on nature. Take some time to get to know about the Ecological Footprint and what it measures: http://www.myfootprint.org/en/about_the_quiz/what_it_measures
Next, read through the Ecological Footprint Quiz’s Frequently Asked Questions at http://www.myfootprint.org/en/about_the_quiz/faq/. You never know what others have asked that may be of interest to you.
Step 2. Answer the following questions, based on the “What It Measures” page:
1. What is the average world citizen’s (per capita) Ecological Footprint?
In global hectares 15.71
In acres 38ac 35730ft² (http://www.metric-conversions.org/area/hectares-to-acres.htm)
2. How many Earth’s are needed to support our current habits globally?1.50
3. By what percentage is humanity currently exceeding (overshooting) the biosphere’s ecological capacity? 50%
Step 3. Use the Ecological Footprint Calculator at http://www.myfootprint.org to calculate your own footprint.
NOTE: You can calculate your footprint for your residence hall or for your permanent family residence (you may need to call phone home to get some help with the info). If you have questions about some of the information needed, you can use Google or may try other sites. Here are some that may help:
For flying distances: http://www.webflyer.com/travel/milemarker/
A useful tool for converting values from one type of unit to another is MegaConverter2 http://www.megaconverter.com/mega2/
When completed, take a screen shot of the results from your first footprint quiz. You will paste it into your document when you turn it in.
Mac Print Screen Help: http://www.printscreenmac.com
PC Print Screen Help: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/take-screen-capture-print-screen#take-screen-capture-print-screen=windows-8
4. Based on your results, what is your current Ecological Footprint? (Used household number)