Outline: So finally my parents had decided that they want a baby boy. And god listened to them and then I was born after 9 months in October, 1995 in Mumbai, India. At that time my father was having a very high paying job and we used to travel internationally every six months. Mumbai is considered as the financial capital of India, which is true. But it is more than that. If you are someone from the developed countries side (like US, UK or anywhere in Europe), you will be stunned to see the amount of variation here. You will find different kinds of castes, different religions, different types of people, etc.
The important question, why was I born in Mumbai? My grandfather had a huge perfumes business here in Mumbai, he settled in this city and so did my father. I don’t know anything about my grandfather’s father (godfather), so please don’t ask. So because of this only reason, I was born in Mumbai.
So as I mentioned that we used to travel every six months because of the flexibility of my dad’s high paying job. We were only able to visit a few select countries because of one reason. My dad loved Saudi Arabia. I remember that at one point, we had shifted from Mumbai to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. My father worked from there for about 6 to 7 years. Then we came back to Mumbai during 2004 because my father had lost his job. He started his own (herbal medicines) business here in Mumbai, which sky rocketed at start, but slowly started declining after some time. No one knows why. But fortunately, we are still in the same business. Surviving.
My life has been kind of bumpy after we shifted back in Mumbai. First, I was admitted in St. Lawrence High School (which I definitely didn’t like because they had a uniform with half pants which I hate). But eventually I was able to convince my parents and so they requested the Principal of the school to allow me to wear full pants.
The hardest part of my life was shifting. We used to purchase a new house
References: I. Inflation Calculator http://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm II. “The Great Recession” http://stateofworkingamerica.org/great-recession/ III. “The Recession of 2007-2009” Graph: