INTRODUCTION Reliable and timely data base is the basic necessity for any sound and systematic planning. Moreover, the availability of detailed information, preferably at Micro level is the key for effective planning. Though a fairly adequate system of agricultural statistics has already been developed in the country, such an information system has not yet been built up for the Non-Agricultural Sector, especially in un-organized sector though it assumes greater importance due to its significant contribution towards Gross Domestic Product and also in generation of employment in developing economy. But this data relating to this segment which would facilitate fair assessment of its share in the National/State Income and also its impact on the growth of income and employment are either scarce or not available at regular intervals.
DEFINITION ‘The Economic Census (EC) is the official count of all entrepreneurial units located within the geographical boundaries of any country or a region & involved in any economic activity – either in agriculture (excluding crop production and plantation) or in nonagricultural sectors of the economy. The units should be engaged in either production of goods or their distribution or in delivery of services or a combination of these, but not for the sole purpose of own consumption.’ OBJECTIVE The important objectives and benefits of Economic Census are ‘’It provides a fine, comprehensive sampling frame for undertaking large or small sample surveys on the status and activities of establishments in the un-organized sector. Bridges essential data gaps on all units of economic activity such as their number, the type of ownership, the nature of their operations, the kind of power or fuel used etc.’’
ADVANTAGES The economic census furnishes an important part of the framework for such composite measures as the gross domestic product estimates,