many Americans might not think of it as much. Economic inequality has been identified because
of the large gap between the rich and the poor people in the United States. It can also be seen in
the large gap of the wages of the workers all over the country. According to studies, the country
has recently reached its highest rate of economic inequality in the year 2014 compared to the
previous years data dating up to the 1920’s.
The biggest evidence of economic inequality in the United States is the wages of the
workers throughout the country. There are many jobs available at different levels. There are
skill-based jobs. There are manual labor …show more content…
While those who have high income have no problem with daily
expenses at all. There is constant struggle for those who want the minimum wage to be
increased. According to studies, the highest fifth of the earning people of the country earn 59.1%
of the overall income. In addition, 88.9% of overall wealth in the country is owned by the richest
fifth. These numbers show how big really the gap is between the rich and the poor. The rich hold
a lot of the wealth and it’s like there is no equal spread in the wealth. It is like they are
accumulating the wealth more and more.
Economic inequality in a way affects political inequality. We have seen that economic
inequality has made it more evident how big the gap is between the rich and the poor. This has
made a really identifiable distinction between the poor and the rich in terms of lifestyle and
career. Because of economic inequality, there are more issues in society that are rising to the
attention of many that is related to this problem. For example, because of economic inequality,
those who are poor are marginalized. They have been struggling in life in order to earn a living
however they are limited to jobs that have low wages. They are not given the opportunity …show more content…
There are other factors such as
income taxes, education and globalization. These are factors that affect the economic inequality
and the political inequality everyday. Globalization is like a universal factor that affects all
countries all over the world. It is hard to fight but if the country is able to follow the flow of
globalization and use this to its advantage, this could help lessen the inequality. Globalization
can allow more businesses, more job opportunities, more growth and development. Globalization
can also open more opportunities for new ventures. Education is also a factor that can be used to
the country’s advantage. If the education system is improved and all children are given equal and
quality education, then they will grow up to become more aware of the economic inequality.
They would also be aware of possible solutions to end economic inequality. Most of all, we are
able to equip the future of this nation the skills and the knowledge they will need in order for
them to do better as members of society in driving economic performance up and decreasing
economic inequality more and