* Agriculture Increase * In 1902, the Bureau of Agriculture became the first gov’t agency in the Philippines * Free Trade America * Business Flourished * New Industries * Improvement of Transportation and Communications * Better Budget * New Banks * International Exhibitions and Meetings
* Economic Problems * We sold our raw materials cheap and bought expensive manufactured goods from America. * Colonial Mentality * Colonial mentality is an area of study and a conceptual theory in Cultural anthropology that refers to institutionalized or systemic feelings of inferiority within some societies or people who have been subjected to colonialism, relative to the values of the foreign powers which had previously subjugated them through colonization.[citation needed] The concept essentially refers to the acceptance, by the colonized, of the culture or doctrines of the colonizer as intrinsically more worthy or superior. The subject matter is quite controversial and debated * Labor and peasant unrest spread in 1920s and 1930s