Intermediate Macro Theory
FALL 2014
TR 3:30 – 4:45
Instructor: R.W. Hafer
Contact info:; ext. 2747
Office hours: T, Th 2:00 – 3:30 and by appointment
Office: Department of Economics and Finance, Alumni Hall, 3145
Course description:
The goal of this course is to provide a more in-depth treatment of the various macroeconomic theories and policy options that you touched upon in principles. Part of this extension is learning to build more sophisticated economic models that are used to explain and predict observed economic events, such as inflation and recessions. In addition to comparing competing theories and policies, we will make extensive use of empirical data to see just how successful the various theories are.
Text and Additional Readings:
The required text for this class is Macroeconomics by Frederic Mishkin. It is available from textbook rental. During the semester I will ask you to read additional items taking from newspapers and magazines. These readings will make the material being discussed more topical, and expand your range of information sources
Grading: Exams
There will two hour exams and a non-comprehensive final. Each test will count 25% of your course grade. You must complete all the exams in order to pass this class. Papers and problem sets
During the semester I will assign several papers and problem sets covering topics discussed in class, in the text or in the outside readings. The papers and problem sets account for the other 25% of your final grade. Papers will be graded on economic content and on presentation. Papers will be assigned in class: you are responsible for any assigned paper, whether you are present or not. All papers are due at the beginning of class on the assigned day. If the paper is not turned in during class, it is assigned a one-half letter grade penalty. An additional penalty of one-half letter grade for each hour that it is late will then be assessed.