Global warming has been on the rise for several years now, becoming one of the most modern issues in society. It is pretty evident that it cannot be ignored. Global warming is when the earth heats up resulting in a temperature rise; it happens when greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere and causes trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. Resulting in several social and political effects like higher sea levels, agriculture, water resources and natural disasters. As well as human health, animal and plants.
Within the last century the average temperature has climbed about 0.6 degrees Celsius which is about 1 degree Fahrenheit, around the world ( Lovgren, 2004). Most scientists believe the rises in temperature will intact increase dramatically and rapidly, as suggest it is not a natural occurrence. The United Nations- sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change reported in 2001 that the average temperature is going to increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees Celsius ( 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit) by the year 2100. (Lovgren,2004) One of the many social effects that global warming is causing higher sea levels as a result, scientists say could eventually submerge island nations, flood cities and expose millions of coastal residents to destructive storm surges( Roach, 2006). The loss of large areas of ice on the surface could accelerate global warming and because less of the sun’s energy would be reflected away from Earth t. resulting in melting glaciers and a rise in sea level (Strickland, Grabianowski, 2005) melting of ice glaciers are causing serious treats to Greenland and Antarctica. The rise in sea levels could cause flooding problems for low- lying coastal areas, but if Antarctica ice sheet were to melt of collapse into the sea, it would raise sea levels up to 10metes which is more than 32 feet; as a result man coastal area would disappear beneath the ocean